Loading Dock BumpersLoading Dock Equipment

cleveland akron loading dock bumpers, rubber dock bumpers
Protecting your loading docks and building from undue damage is no small feat. Our superior protection solutions prove our understanding of this seemingly simple task.

Loading dock bumpers protect your building walls from damage that results in costly repairs. From steel-faced to rubber loading dock bumpers, we offer unmatched protection that will last years of use at your loading docks. Our partnerships with leading truck dock bumper manufactures allows us to outfit any dock with superior protection.

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Standard Rubber Loading Dock Bumpers

Your loading docks are an area of high facility traffic. It should come as no surprise that this makes them a key point of damage. Not having *proper* loading dock bumpers fitted at your loading docks can damage equipment and your building wall, leading to major repair bills. Our wide variety of loading dock bumpers are manufactured under pressure exceeding 1,500 pounds of force and are woven on steel rods, ensuring lasting protection of your loading docks and building.

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Steel-Faced Loading Dock Bumpers

Steel-faced loading dock bumpers are ideal for facilities with heavy loading dock traffic. Steel-faced dock bumpers are designed to endure heavy use and withstand constant contact with trucks / trailers. The steel face is 3/8″ thick, ensuring easy movement and years of facility protection. The rubber pads on our loading dock bumpers are manufactured with recycled bias-ply bus and truck tires and are fabric reinforced so you can feel confident in your loading dock protection.

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